Sunday, August 13, 2006

All around updates

39. Birth of Venus by Sarah Dunant

What a great book. I absolutely loved it. I'm currently reading In the Company of the Courtesan, also by Sarah Dunant, because I enjoyed Venus so much. A definite recommend.

Before I left for Kazakhstan, I was working towards a 30-pound weight loss goal. I had lost 4.8 pounds towards that goal, with 25.2 more to go. While I was gone, I lost another 6 pounds (a cautionary tale of horse meat and mayonnaise), with some-odd ounces, so now I am at 10.8 pounds lost, with 19.2 pounds to go.

If I hit this goal, I will weigh less than I did when I met my husband in high school. Although I can't ever imagine having that body back, what with baby pooch and other pregnancy-related malformations, at least I will be at a more ideal weight. And if I lose this last 19.2 pounds, I'm setting another 20 pound goal. But, we'll cross that bridge when we come to it.

Total weight lost since beginning of the year: 36 pounds.

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